Tuesday, March 31, 2020


New York is one of the worst hit in the U.S. by the global pandemic. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo appealed on TV for medical teams from other U.S. states to help in the fight against COVID-19. So far only a handful have officially or unofficially began organizing teams to heed the call.

China's central gov't effectively isolated Hubei province's Wuhan City. It sent thousands of doctors and nurses from other parts of China to Wuhan. It poured resources of equipment and manpower into Wuhan, even constructing a massive, well-equipped Leishenshan (Thunder of God) Hospital in a record-breaking 11-days.

China was so successful in fighting COVID-19 because of its centralized response to the crisis. In contrast, U.S. states fought among themselves and fought with its Federal gov't. for much-needed equipment and manpower resources at the expense of a greater no. of human lives. This is one of those countless cases where an authoritarian form of governance, much like Saudi Arabia's, Jordan's, Singapore's and many other nations, has a distinct advantage in resolving more quickly and handling with relatively much success.

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